
Rotterdam World Gateway, the world’s most modern and innovative terminal container selected the right tool for QHSSE management.

RWG is a leader in terms of safety and sustainability and strive for continuous optimization of reliable and efficient handling of containers. RWG does all they can to maintain their strong position as a global hub. They will innovate and grow wherever possible.

Challenges for RWG
The QHSSE team believed in the digitization of Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment management, but did not have the right software system to implement it. Some Excel sheets were used, linked to SharePoint, which resulted in a static way of capturing data. This setup worked, although the system was not fully dedicated to managing QHSSE issues. Crucial features were missing, like action management, email supported workflows and notifications, automatically generated, real-time KPI dashboards and multi-language settings. Ratios like Lost Time Injury (LTI), Total Recordable Incident (TRIR) had to be calculated manually. Functional change requests to the system were cumbersome and took a long time to implement. When the opportunity came up to evaluate QHSSE software solutions, the team soon chose Safety Dashboard. They wanted a solution that met their current but also future demands and is continuously being developed. A web based and standard software solution that is integrated and dedicated to QHSSE.

RWG Rotterdam World Gateway

RWG is a leader in terms of safety and sustainability and strive for continuous optimization of reliable and efficient handling of containers.

What were the top reasons why you selected Safety Dashboard QHSSE software?

  • It is a user-friendly solution, we were looking for a system that is really adopted and used by all members of staff.

  • Clear overview of all issues and actions concerning QHSSE events, no more searching for actions, one clear overview.
  • A software provider with excellent service, personal contact, short lines and no bureaucratic service procedures
  • Quick change requests possible and continuous updating process, the Safety Dashboard staff listens to our needs and helps us develop the solution further.

“The Safety Dashboard incident module is a real time saver”